Try New Seneca Farms Oatmeal and Fruit for a Healthy Start to your Day!

Folks!!! If breakfast is the most important meal of the day (71% adults agree) then why is it 67% of adults polled admit they skip it? What is worse is nearly 60% of US parents admit their children 3-17 also skip breakfast! These are just a few of the findings from the Seneca Farms 2011 Children’s Nutritional Survey conducted by Harris Interactive.

Harris Interactive via it QuickQuery online service also found the main reason for adults and children skipping breakfast was time, or lack thereof. With busy lifestyles, taking the time to eat a healthy breakfast has become almost a luxery. Seneca Foods has heard and now presents a new Oatmeal and Fruit product for a healthy quicker breakfast. In less time than it takes to heat a cup of coffee, you can provide yourself and your children a warm healthy breakfast.

Two flavors, Oatmeal and Fruit Vanilla Peach and Apple Cinnamon are being introduced this week. No need to add water or milk… just microwave 45 seconds and a nice hot breakfast with real fruit is served.  Seneca Farms Oatmeal and Fruit has no trans fats or cholesterol.

Seneca Farms Oatmeal and Fruit will add more flavors like Cranberry Apple and Maple & Brown Sugar. The new Oatmeal and Fruit are also a great on the go snack. I clearly have to agree that Seneca Farms newest addition to their high quality food line is delicious, easy to prepare, portable addition.

You can try the new Seneca Farms Oatmeal and Fruit now and save by going to their Facebook page and downloading a coupon today.

Let’s make some changes in our eating habits. Set the example. Eat healthier and start your day of with a great meal.

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